Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Five weeks in... How are you preparing for midterms?

Well we've passed our fifth week... the craziness of the first start-up weeks and the great weather have possibly delayed the reality of tests and assignments that seem weekly from week 4 to week 12 of the semester.

It's in the fifth week that you have to start looking ahead to midterms. Start organizing your notes, catch up on readings, and prepare some "test study aids". At this point as you study new material to prepare for class, review previous material so you can fit the new material in with the previous.

Well this is a blog and through it you can help each other.... Please share a study tip or strategy that you use.


Nikki said...

All I have to say is read, read, and read. Hopefully your teacher gave you a study guide. I would recommend looking over the things that are on it.

Abigail Wollenberg said...

Make note cards with terms or facts on one side and the definition on the other side and go over them like 50 times. They always seem to work for me!

Cora said...

Flash cards are great, just be sure not to put too much info on them so you can go through them quickly.

Katie Culotta said...

I would also recommend flashcards. Think of funny ways to remember hard terms. Also highlight important parts in your notes. Get plenty of sleep!

Kelly said...

i have made notecards with everything i need to know, as well as re-writing my class notes.. by making a summary of everything in words that i best understand.

amber lynne said...

I try and find soemone in the class, and then study with them. Also, quizz each other as well

Johnny said...

Don't try to cram everything at the last minute. One of my teachers (it might have even been Doc Z) said your brain is like a computer it can store a lot of information but when you try to 'store' too much all at one time you get an overload and that's not good.

Whitney said...

I almost always rewrite the study guides so i have everything on them down because those are usually the main ideas!!

Katie said...

I write things on notecards and close my eyes and try to memorize and keep repeating it until i know it.

Brianna said...

I usually rewrite or type up my notes. It's usually most helpful the day of the lecture. Flashcards also help if I need to know terms like people, places, etc.

Alex said...

I make 2 sets of notecards:
The first set is an outline of my notes with the general ideas on one side and the explanations on the other. It's my way of recopying my notes.
The second set I make the week before a big exam that are more shorthand and are faster to go through for quick reviews between classes.

Kristen Griffin said...

Don't wait until the last minute and get a good night sleep. Reviewing my notes before bed is helpful too, I remember it more. I like to have a power bar or something too before the test/exam/quiz whatever too...brain food! Go into the test confident, it helps.

Jenny said...

I like to make note cards as well. But that only seems to help me when what i'm studing has more vocab things on it. It makes it much easier for me to study when i'm in a quiet area without so many distractions. I know that if i'm in my room studing and happen to sit by my computer i will want to do other things. Going to the library is really nice or finding a quiet spot outside on the glass or somewhere is nice too.

colleen said...

Find someplace comfortable and study there. If you are someplace where you arn't comfortable then you may be distracted or unable to focus on your work.

Karlyn said...

I have been taking practice quizes on line and doing them everyday. I also make the practice test in to note cards and go over them well i work out so i get 2 things done at once.

brian h said...

It's not about overwhelming yourslef with all of the workload...but being smart with it. Learn your best technique to study for a test! Also, find the most picturesque spot outside, underneathe a tree on a hill to do your reading! A more relaxing enviroment actuall makes you enjoy the work.

Anonymous said...

1) if there is a in class study session go to it and make sure you stay for the whole thing.
2) If there is a study guide look through it/ answer the questions on it
3) NOTE CARDS!! i go to hartvile flea market and buy huge, unlined, colored backs of them for cheap!!!! (sometimes its good to use colored paper instead of just plane white. It bothers my eyes if i look at just white and black too long)
4) I find that if i study before i go to bed if i can remember a note card before i sleep ill remember it the next day
5)Mnemonic devices. i can remember stories easily
6) Study groups are great. There are room in the library you can meet up with and have a study session in quiet. I find that when i go to starbucks we never end up studying. you can also meet on random floors of the library
7) compare notes with others

abby mariano said...

I like to use different colored pens when I'm taking my notes in and out of class. I use black for general ideas/concepts and then blue, red, or green for unerlining main points. I don't like to highlight my notes b/c then it bleeds to the other side of the paper and then everything looks sloppy. When I'm reading a text that I don't want to write in, i'll take little post-it notes and write down the main idea and then place it next to the paragraph that really stood out to me.

megan voigt said...

flashcards are the best for vocab words or small ideas but i just read over my notes for a little bit every night so Im not freaking out the night before a big test!

Ashley said...

I honestly love learning...however, studying can sometimes seem very boring and tedious. I have found that if i read the chapter or chapters at least a couple times, take notes in class, and make flash cards it helps a lot. Flash cards are the main key for me. Me and my best friend/roomate find it helpful to go to a McDonald's or since we're at Kent going to Eastway and sitting in the booths to go through the notecards. We go through the stack at least 4 or 5 times each until we have it all down. We each make our own set that way we can study them on our own if needed..plus it helps to have the repetition of writing, reading, saying, and hearing all of the information. If anyone wants to study sometime that would be great.